Hobbemastraat 2 - 2 rue Hobbema - 1000 Brussel, Bruxelles  -  

An association with ambitious objectives, at the service of research, industry and society 

BSMEE is an expanding organisation of people dealing with mechanics : academicians, education authorities, students, technicians, managers, directors,
independent business people, suppliers, product manufacturers and other professionals who share information, new ideas, make contacts and promote
mechanical engineering. 

Pieces of history

The Belgian Society of Mechanical Engineers was founded after the second world war on initiative of universities, more particularly by engineers concerned
with the future of the mechanical engineering. It is an non profit-seeking society whose principal objectives are, on one hand, to inform academic and industrial
(Fabrimetal) people over the evolution of mechanical sciences, techniques and technology and, on the other hand, active participation to elaboration of
Belgian, European or Inernational Norms. 

Historically, BSMEE, previously the 'Société Belge des Mécaniciens-Belgische Vereniging van Werktuigkundigen' did groundbreaking work in codes and
standards. This task was, later on, taken over for a great part by the Belgian Standards Institute (IBN-BIN), but the BSMEE is still very active in machine
safety and reliability matters. 

Mechanical Engineering remained the principal activity but, as a dynamic organization, the BSMEE, responding to the needs and requests of the changing
world, developed in 1996 activities in the field of the environmental engineering. A special BEST (Belgian Environmental Sciences and Technologies)
Committee was created. 

BSMEE has now a more flexible organisation. Indeed, the Board agreed to structure the society into two sections each with a certain degree of independency
and responsibility, namely: Mechanical engineering Committee and BEST Committee.


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